Introducing Docker in Vagrant

[EDIT: Since this post was written, OrbStack has appeared. It’s really good for running Docker containers and VMs on a Mac. You should check it out instead.]

If you’re a Mac user, you have a few options for running Docker. Aside from Docker’s official client, there also exists Rancher Desktop and Podman. I’ve used them all, and they’re all decent implementations of Docker. However, I ran into some limitations in each platform that are beyond the scope of this post that nonetheless prompted me to try building out my own Docker offering.

Having used VirtualBox and Vagrant before, I found myself wondering if I could use Vagrant to stand up an instance of Docker, proxy connections to Docker over SSH, and mount directories on the host machine’s filesystem.

It turns out I could.

Continue reading “Introducing Docker in Vagrant”

Displaying Your Wireless Network in the Touch Bar on a Macbook

If you have a Macbook laptop, you’re probably familiar with the touch bar. It’s a neat little LED display above the top row of your keyboard that Mac OS/X uses to display context-sensitive widgets. However, you don’t just have to accept the widgets that Apple provides–you can in fact customize the touchbar however you like.

“But why would I want to do this?”, I hear you ask. Well, maybe you need to have a custom status of some kind displayed on your menu bar. For me, it was… wireless networks.

MTMR is my new favorite utility.

That sounds confusing, but hear me out. Sometimes when I am traveling, I get kicked off of whatever wireless network I’m on. I wanted a way to easily determine what network I was on, without having to keep clicking on the wireless icon in my menu bar. I found that the touch bar was a convenient way to do that, and in this post, I will show you how I did it.

First, download an app called MTMR. MTMR stands for “My Touchbar. My rules.” Installation instructions are on that page, but most users will want the dmg file.

Once that’s installed, you can edit the file $HOME/Library/Application Support/MTMR/items.json to change what appears in the menu bar. The contents of the file are JSON, and you can edit this in whichever editor you like. Furthermore, once you save changes, they take effect immediately–no restarts of the MTMR app are necessary!

Continue reading “Displaying Your Wireless Network in the Touch Bar on a Macbook”

I Created an AI Chatbot of Gritty, and it is Horrifying

Living 20 minutes from downtown Philadelphia, I’m a big fan of our hockey mascot, Gritty. Recently I’ve been playing around with a website called, and one of the neat things that site lets you do is create bots based on characters, real or imaginary. For example, there is one character based on Albert Einstein, and another is based on Darth Vader. So I decided I would create a character based on Gritty.

I immediately regretted that.

The AI powering that site is… frightfully good, to say the least. After seeding the character with just a handful of tweets from Gritty’s Twitter feed, the bot quickly took on a life of its own and said things that I would absolutely expect the real Gritty to say.

For example, let’s start with the no-fly list:

Well then.

Next I asked Gritty about his diet, and the answers the bot gave were concerning, to say the least:

Continue reading “I Created an AI Chatbot of Gritty, and it is Horrifying”

What’s Taking Up So Much Space in AWS S3?

I’m a big fan of Amazon S3 for storage, and I like it so much that I use Odrive to sync folders from my hard drive into S3 use S3 to store copies of all of my files from Dropbox as a form of backup.  I only have about 20 GB of data that I truly care about, so that should be less than a dollar per month for hosting, right? Well…

“You are not your job or how much data you have in S3!”

Close to 250 GB billed for last month. How did that happen?

Continue reading “What’s Taking Up So Much Space in AWS S3?”

Dockerizing Discord’s Music Bot in Amazon ECS

I’m a big fan of the Discord Musicbot, and run it on some Discord servers that I admin. Wanting to run it on a server, I first created an Ansible playbook and launched a server on Digital Ocean. But after a few months, I noticed that the server was sitting over 90% idle. Surely there had to be a better way.

So I next tried Docker, and created a Dockerized version of the Musicbot. I was quite happy with how much easier it was to spin up the bot, but still didn’t want to run it on a dedicated server on Digital Ocean. Aside from having unused capacity, if that machine were to go down, I’d have to do something manually.

I thought about running it in some sort of hosted Docker cluster, and came across Amazon’s container service. So this post is about creating your own cluster in ECS and hosting a Docker container in it. I found the process slightly confusing when I did it the first time, and wanted to share my experience here.

Continue reading “Dockerizing Discord’s Music Bot in Amazon ECS”

How to Undelete Files in Amazon S3

While S3 is a great storage platform, what happens if you accidentally delete some important files? Well, S3 has a mechanism to recover deleted files, and I’d like to go into that in this post.

First, make sure you have versioning enabled on your bucket. This can be done via the API, or via the UI in the “properties” tab for your bucket. Versioning saves every change to a file (including deletions) as a separate version of said object, with the most recent version taking precedence. In fact, a deletion is also a version! It is a zero-byte version which has a “DELETE” flag set. And the essence of recovering undeleted files simply involves removing the latest version with the “DELETE” flag.

This is what that would look like in the UI:

To undelete these files, we’ll use a script I created called, which can be found over on GitHub:

Continue reading “How to Undelete Files in Amazon S3”

ssh-to: Easily manage dozens or hundreds of machines with SSH

Hey software engineers! Do you manage servers? Lots of servers? Hate copying and pasting hostnames and IP addresses? Need a way to execute a command on each of a group of servers that you manage?

I developed an app which can help with those things, and my employer has graciously given me permission to open source it.

First, here’s the link:

And here’s how to download a copy:

git clone
Continue reading “ssh-to: Easily manage dozens or hundreds of machines with SSH”

Two New Open Source Projects

At my day job, I get to write a bit of code. I’m fortunate that my employer is pretty cool about letting us open source what we write, so I’m happy to announce that two of my projects have been open sourced!

The first project is an app which I wrote in PHP, it can be used to compare an arbitrary number of .ini files on a logical basis. What this means is that if you have ini files with similar contents, but the stanzas and key/value pairs are all mixed up, this utility will read in all of the .ini files that you specify, put the stanzas and their keys and values into well defined data structures, perform comparisons, and let you know what the differences are. (if any) In production, we used this to compare configuration files for Splunk from several different installations that we wanted to consolidate. Given that we had dozens of files, some having hundreds of lines, this utility saved us hours of effort and eliminated the possibility of human error. It can be found at:

Continue reading “Two New Open Source Projects”

Notes from February 2015 Philly DevOps Meetup: Security Practices for DevOps Teams

As a service to the Philly tech community (and because folks asked), I took notes at tonight’s presentation, called “Security Practices for DevOps Teams”. It was presented by Chris Merrick, VP of Engineering at RJMetrics.

Security is a “cursed role”

  • …in the sense that if you’re doing a really good job as a security engineer, no one knows you exist.
    • It isn’t sexy
    • It’s hard to quantify
    • It’s never done

As DevOps engineers, we are all de facto security engineers

Some tips to avoid ending up like this [Picture of a dismembered C3PO]

Sense. This picture makes none. 

  • Security Principles
    • Obscurity is not Security
      • “A secret endpoint on your website is not security”
      • “Don’t rely on randomness to secure things”
    • Least Privilege
      • Do not give more privileges than are needed
    • Weakest Link
      • If you talk to an insecure system, you’re at risk
    • Inevitability

Security Types

  • Physical
    • Stealing laptops
    • Breaking into datacenters
  • Application
    • Any vector that comes through an application you developed
      • XSS
  • Network*
  • Systems*
    • Applications you didn’t write
  • Human
    • Phishing, social engineering

Server Auth

  • Reminder:
    • Authentication is who you are
    • Authorization is what you can access
  • Don’t access production directory
    • Good news: this is our job anyways
  • Don’t spread private keys around
    • Don’t put in your Dropbox
    • Don’t let it leave the machine you generated it on
    • Use SSH agent forwarding
      • ssh-add
      • ssh -A you@remote
      • ssh-add -l
  • Don’t use shared accounts
    • Especially root
  • Be able to revoke access quickly
    • Time yourself. Go.
  • We use Amazon OpsWorks to help us achieve these goals
    • Chef+AWS, with some neat tricks: simple autoscaling, application deployment, and SSH user management


  • “Logs are your lifeline”
  • When you get into a high pressure security investigation, you start with your logs
  • Capture all authentication events, privilege, escalations, and state changes.
    • From your Os and all running applications
  • Make sure you can trust your logs
    • Remember – they’re your lifeline
  • Have a retention policy
    • We keep 30 days “hot”, 90 days “cold”
  • Logging – ELK
    • We use ELK for hot log searching
    • Kibana creates logs and lets you monitor your application in real time


  • Keep unencrypted secrets out of code
    • Otherwise, a MongoLab exploit becomes your exploit
  • Don’t keep old code around
  • Make deployment and rollback easy
    • More good news: this is our job anyways
    • When dealing with a security issue, the last thing we need a “hard last step” in order to get the fix out
  • IAM
    • Don’t use your root account, ever.
      • Set a long password and lock it away
  • Set a strong password policy and require MFA
  • Don’t create API keys where API access isn’t needed
    • Same goes for a console password
  • Use Managed Policies
    • To make management easier
  • Use Roles to gran taccess to other systems
    • No need to deploy keys, auto-rotates
  • IAM Policy Pro Tips
    • Don’t use explicit DENY policies
      • Keep in mind that everything is denied by default
    • Don’t assume your custom policy is correct just because it saves – the interface only confirms the JSON is valid
    • Use the policy simulator
  • Know Thy Enemy
    • People are out there scanning for AWS keys – treat your private key like a private SSH key

Bonus Tips

  • Set up a security page
  • Sign up for the US-CERT email list, and the security notification list for your OS
  • Other resources
    • OWASP –
    • Common Weakness Enumeration –


  • What else should we be doing to keep our work secure? [Picture of C3PO in a field full of flowers]

Git 101: How to Handle Merge Conflicts

In the last post, I talked about how to create a Git repository and upload it to GitHub. In this post, I’m going to talk about how to resolve Git conflicts.

Setting Up Our Environment

First, we’re going to create a Git Repository for the user Doug. Since I already covered that in the last post, I’m bring to breeze through those steps below:

$ mkdir doug
$ cd doug
$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /path/to/doug/.git/
$ touch
$ git add 
$ git commit -m "First commit"
[master (root-commit) d86a7e2] First commit
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644

At this point, we have a repository created for the user Doug. Now I’m going to clone that repository for the user Andrew:

Continue reading “Git 101: How to Handle Merge Conflicts”