HOWTO: Safely use “git rebase -i”

Git is a very powerful revision control system used in software development, and at this point, is effectively the industry standard. One of the things that makes Git so powerful is that there are all sorts of low-level operations that developers can do in it. This includes everything from tagging releases, to having an insane number of branches, to painless merging of said branches, to rewriting history.

“I am serious. And don’t call me Shirley.”

If you’re new to Git, your brain probably threw an exception when reaching the end of the paragraph as you thought to yourself, “Wait WHAT? Why would you want to REWRITE HISTORY?” Good question! Normally, you don’t want to mess history in a revision control system. But sometimes you may want to or even need to. A few possible reasons for rewriting history include:

  • Feature Branch “B” is a branch of Feature Branch “A” and you want to merge B’s changes to master, but not A’s.
  • Squashing all the commits in a feature branch to a single commit, after having previously pushed those commits.
  • A developer made a commit with something that doesn’t belong in Git, such as PII or credentials.
  • You want to “clean up” the commit history a little.

Whether any of the above are fully valid reasons or not is something up to you and your dev team.

That said, rebasing is not something you want to experiment with for the first time on your production repo. It’s just a bad idea. So I built a playground/lab where anyone can experiment with git rebasing in an isolated and local environment, which can be stood up in seconds. Here’s how to get started:

git clone
cd git-rebase-i-playground
Continue reading “HOWTO: Safely use “git rebase -i””

The Joy of Using Docker

I’ve written about Docker before, as I am a big fan of it. And for this post, I’m going to talk about some practical situations in which I’ve used Docker in real life, both for testing and software development!

Docker Logo

But first, let’s recap what Docker IS and IS NOT:

  • Docker containers DO spin up quickly (1-2 seconds or less)
  • Docker containers DO have separated process tress and filesystems
  • Docker containers ARE NOT virtual machines
  • Docker containers ARE intended to be ephemeral. (short-lived)
  • You CAN, however, mount filesystems from the host machine into Docker, so those files can live on after the container shuts down (or is killed).
  • You SHOULD only run one service per Docker container.

Everybody got that? Good. Now, let’s get into some real life things I’ve used Docker for.

Experimenting in Linux

Want to test out some commands or maybe a shell script that you’re worried might be destructive? No worries, try it in a Docker container, and if you nuke the filesystem, there will be no long-term consequences.

# Start a container with Alpine Linux
$ docker run -it alpine

# Let's do something dumb
$ rm /bin/ls 
$ ls -l
/bin/sh: ls: not found

# Just exit the container, restart it, and our filesystem is back!
$ exit 
[unifi:~/tmp ] $ docker run -it alpine
$ ls /
bin    dev    etc    home   lib    media  mnt    proc   root   run    sbin   srv    sys    tmp    usr    var

And all of the above takes just a couple of seconds! This works with other Linux distros as well, such as CentOS and Unbuntu–just change your Docker command accordingly:

docker run -it centos
docker run -it ubuntu

Yes, that means you could run CentOS in a container under Ubuntu or vice-versa. Docker doesn’t care. 🙂

Continue reading “The Joy of Using Docker”