Pictures of Giza, my leopard (and goat!) “fursona” in the furry community.
Some of these pictures are gift art, others are random sketches and conbadges that I’ve gotten over the last 20 years or so. Starting in about 2010 I began dressing up like a White Mage from Final Fantasy, it turned out to be a really cool idea, and now I get art of me drawn as a White Mage.
Were you looking for the list of conventions that I attend? That’s over here!
Featured Artwork
These pictures are the most popular ones I’ve had over the years, as they were used as icons on Twitter, Facebook, LiveJournal, and other places, as well as actual conbadges at conventions.
Giza White Mage Drawn by MahrkaleGiza White Mage Barbie YCH, drawn by PineTreeLionCatGiza Kidd Barbie YCH, drawn by PineTreeLionCatDrawn by Story TrailFurries love Wawa, by Murry ShotwellGiza White Mage Drawn by KitchikiGiza White Mage Drawn by SiyahamabaGiza White Mage in Pride Month drawn by MimosonioniGiza Summons Xilimyth drawn by Titus_WeissGiza Drawn by Taurin FoxGiza White Mage in Pride Month drawn by Floofy KerryContinue reading “Pictures of Giza”